Author and Illustrator Visits to Schools

The benefits to students of a visit by the author or illustrator of a book cannot be overstated. Here are some links, from around the world, about the value of such visits in schools.

Scottish Book Trust This is a great story from the Scottish Book Trust about the life-changing power of author visits to schools.
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Guardian "Literature's Road Warriors". The Guardian reports that school visits are increasingly accepted as a vital foundation for inspiring new generations of readers.
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National Literacy Trust The National Literacy Trust in the UK commissioned a report into author visits in schools. It makes for very interesting reading.
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National LIbrary NZ This article, from the National Library of New Zealand, is all about reading strategies to help engage teens with reading. Not suprisingly one of the strategies is to get real life authors in front of students in schools.
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US Embassy Author Program Authors at School is a joint initiative of Holtzbrinck Berlin – Inspire Together, the U.S. Embassy in Berlin and the AmerikaHaus NRW e.V. It brings creative writing workshops with U.S. authors to schools throughout Germany.
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